Tuesday, April 15, 2008

It's Tax Day...Have You Filed?

Well, today is April 15th and we all know what that means; it's tax day. Have you filed or are you a procrastinator that has waited until the last minute to "file" for an extension? Well, this is one headache that I took care of a while ago so I don't have to stress over it.

Enough about taxes. Did anyone read yesterday's blog about my home business opportunity? If you read it and it peaked your curiosity, I have a couple of websites for you to check out. They are on my home page and I believe that they are worth a peak at by those of you that are curious. I am sure that the trip will be worth it. The site entitled Lisa's Home Business is still under construction so please bypass that link for the time being and I will let you know when it is fully up and running. Thank you.

My WebCashStore will put you in contact with eBay and Amazon.com, if you are interested in making any purchases too. You will also find a 1-800 number with my extension if you prefer to talk to a real person instead of working online. Good Luck in your ventures.

Have I turned into a pushy salesperson yet? I hope that I have not turned any of you off by sending sales pitches instead of a lot of personal chat. One of the reasons that I have opened this blog is to generate business through networking my products, services, and opportunities in home business for those of you that are tired of the 9-5 jobs that give you a lot of headaches and not much in the way of satisfaction or security. Have I hit a nerve? I am sure that I have because I have had that same raw nerve hit in me and it can really hurt. Experience has taught me that.

I guess that I have bent you ears enough for today and I have given you more than enough information to digest at one sitting. So, I will leave you with this quote from Confucius, "The Longest Journey Begins With The First Step." I agree and that is why I say, "Don't Be Afraid To Take It."

Keep Smiling and Make it a Great Day...........Lisa :)

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