Monday, May 5, 2008

You Never Know What Tips You Will Find Here

Hello Everyone and Good Morning......Lisa Here.......

I am a crafter; I have many hobbies that I like to do in my spare time. I love to crochet, scrapbook, listen to good music (all genres), relax with a glass of fine wine (or a margarita), travel when I get the chance, garden, canned my homegrown goodies, and take care of my two beautiful felines. They are a handful themselves because one of them has been diagnosed with chronic renal failure and needs sub-cue doses of fluids several times a week.

For these reasons, you never know what secrets or tips that I may have to offer you here. So, my advise to you is to visit me often, feel free to leave comments, and leave me your name and email address if you would like more information of any of my postings. I would be more than happy to assist you further, if I am able to.

Well, enough for now. I will do a little research and see what tips I can come up with for tomorrow. If there is anything in particular that you may want information on, please feel free to ask and I will do what I can to comply with your request.

Have a great day and keep smiling; the world will smile right back at you. :)

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