Monday, October 27, 2008

Oh What A Wonderful Day For Opportunities

Good Morning Everyone.......

This is going to be a great day; I can just feel it. The sun is shining on this crisp morning and there is not a cloud in the sky. It will prove to be a bit nippy all day; however, it will still play out to be a wonderful day. Of course it will be wonderful; I am alive and breathing. What more can I ask for that is so easily accomplished and readily available?

Wouldn't you like to be sitting at home right now, sipping on a cup of hot gourmet coffee. Without a care in the world except what to wear when you finally decide to leave your comfort zone. I know that I cannot wait for that day to come and I am working hard to get to that point. I want the peace of mind that financial independence will offer me. I want to punch my own time clock on my own terms instead of someone else's. I would rather work for an individual that appreciates me for who I am rather than just regarding me as a replaceable commodity. You know, a warm body in a chair that can answer the phone and work their behind off without ever receiving the credit that they deserve. I want to know what it is like to get a pat on the back for a job well done; from someone that honestly cares. Sounds like my idea of the ideal future setup; how about you?

It is time for my present work day to begin; with a mandatory staff meeting of course. I will enter the meeting smiling and look for the silver lining to any clouds that may appear. Life is better that way because it is too short for us to sweat everything. Nothing is worth high blood pressure and health issues. Just live life to it's fullest and love every minute that you are in it.

Until I "pen" again, have a great day and remember that your smile can be contagious. Try it and see what happens...............Lisa

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