Sunday, August 23, 2009

Do You Know The FIVE Types of Identity Theft?

Did you know that Identity Theft is not just limited to our financial identity? When I mention Identity Theft to many individuals, the first thing that they say is, "I would love to have someone steal my identity, I have nothing to take." Sound familiar? Well, that is a statement made by an uninformed individual. Someone that has not been educated in the FIVE types of identity that we ALL posses and that we ALL can have stolen. What are they you ask? Here they are along with a short explanation of each.

Financial or Credit. When existing credit card or bank accounts are taken over by thieves, loans are made or new accounts are created in a false name, you're the victim of identity theft. You may need a lawyer's help to stop collection calls and a credit-restoration service to get your credit straightened out. A credit monitoring service will watch your credit report and alert you of any new and possible fraudulent activity.

Social Security Number. When someone uses your SSN to obtain employment, you've been the victim of identity theft. The thief's income is reported to the IRS under your number, and you are expected to pay taxes on those earnings. A lawyer can work with the IRS on your behalf to get the matter corrected.

Driver's License. When a thief using a fake ID with your drivers license number is pulled over for DWI, it's your record that's at risk. A lawyer can have your record corrected with the police and your insurance company.

Medical. Your medical record lets hospitals and doctors know how best to treat you. It's also used by insurance companies to determine whether to offer you coverage and the rates you'll pay. If someone uses your insurance to obtain medical treatment or prescriptions, your medical record can be affected. Without a lawyer's assistance, it's extremely difficult to have the records corrected.

Criminal or Character. When someone commits a crime while impersonating you, you've been a victim of identity theft. If your name appears on a sexual crimes list in your county or state, you could lose or be denied employment. Not only will you need help getting your criminal record corrected to eliminate arrest warrants, you'll also need help removing your name from watchdog lists.

Have I scared you yet? Someone's identity is being at the alarming rates of one every three seconds and that is not just in the United States; this crime is now World Wide.

If you would like to find out how you can protect yourself, please check out the following link to my website for more information.

Identity Theft

Contact Me Soon.

Lisa Spikberg
Independent Associate
Certified Identity Theft Risk Management Specialist
PrePaid Legal Services, Inc.

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