Saturday, January 3, 2009

Tipping the Scales of Justice in "YOUR" Favor.

Don't let yourself be the next "target" in a lawsuit. However, that is not always something that we have control over; especially now days when someone would just as soon sue you as to look at you. The words "equal justice under law" are music to my ears and the are becoming just as musical to the ears of millions of North Americans thanks to a man by the name of Harland Stonecipher (founder and CEO of PrePaid Legal Services, Inc).

Harland Stoecipher is proof that one man can make a difference. For 36 years, he has helped America keep its promise of equal justice under law - for everyone.

It all began in 1969, Harland Stonecipher came face-to-face with the high price of justice when an automobile accident found its way into the courts (even thou he was not at fault). The staggering costs of legal protection nearly destroyed him financially. This incident planted a seed that eventually resulted in PrePaid Legal Services, Inc (a publicly traded company on the NYSE under the symbol PPD since 1976).

Until recently, only the wealthy had access to the justice system. But PrePaid Legal Services are in the process of changing that for all of us. PrePaid Legal Services, Inc. is to legal and court bills as health insurance is to medical and hospitalization bills. Unlike health, auto and life insurance (the kind that you have but don't ever want to have to use), PrePaid Legal Services are meant to be used through unlimited consultations with top attorneys throughout the country regarding an unlimited amount of "life changing events." We want you to "use" this membership and "benefit" from what it has to offer both you and your loved ones.

Don't say that this was the opportunity that got away. Don't be the one that had the chance to offer your family "peace of mind" and didn't want to spend less that the cost of a cup of coffee a day in order to protect them by providing them with a legacy that can be passed down by you for two generations.

Please check out this website to answer any questions regarding this "once in a lifetime" business opportunity that you can pass along to your family; or at least check out the membership services that will allow you to have "equal justice under law." I would be more than happy to fill in any of the blanks for you should you have any questions.

Check out my other business opportunities posted on this blogsite too.

Keep Smiling and Make it a Great Day. Lisa

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