Thursday, May 29, 2008

Knock...Knock....Knock....Can You Hear That?

Opportunity is knocking for me (and you) today. This has been a great day. The weather has been perfect and the company has been even better. I have to say that, when given the perfect opportunity to prove oneself, you should run with it as I have today. I knew that I was a valuable asset to the practice because of my years with them and the knowledge that I possess; however, today I realized just how valuable I am. I possess all the characteristics of a supervisor, yet I am not given the title. Why doesn't this upset me, you ask? Well, if I have the title, I have the headaches too and I cannot refuse the workload placed on me. On the other hand, without the title, I am free to say "no" if I wish and leave the workload to the office manager instead. I continue to keep my sanity that way; after all, I am not getting paid to be a supervisor, so why should I take on all the headaches for one? Wouldn't you agree?

Like I said, opportunity is knocking and I am not going to turn a deaf ear to it anymore. I can hear it loud and clear and I plan on opening the door as wide as it will allow me to. Life is too short to settle for what we have when we know that we can do better for ourselves and our loved ones. I will no longer settle for a "just getting by" lifestyle; I want more and I plan on getting my piece of the pie.

Until we meet again....keep smiling and make it a great day.........Lisa

Monday, May 26, 2008

Weddings are wonderful events.....

Well, I have to say that weddings are wonderful events in more ways than one. They bring family and friends together to share in a blessed event; the uniting of best friends.

I am currently traveling home from the wedding of my niece Whitney and her beloved Jose. It was a beautiful ceremony, followed by a reception full of toe-tapping music that made everyone smile, laugh, and hug. The bride was beautiful and the groom quite handsome as they united in their first dance as the new Mr. & Mrs. Perez. They hall was filled with oos, ahs and then finally laughter, as the couple cut their wedding cake and then presented each other with a piece of it (not so delicately either :) ).

Soon, I will get back into my car and head down the road on my final leg of this journey; back to Bowling Green and then on to my home. The day promises to be a bit adventurous weather wise. I hope that it is not too adventurous. I would like to get home before it gets too severe; safe and sound.

Well, until we meet again.....have a great day and remember to keep smiling..........Lisa

Monday, May 12, 2008

It's My Birthday Today...

Well, May 12th has arrived and I decided to take the day off in order to have some "me time." It is my birthday and I need a little time for myself instead of giving it out to everyone else. Does that sound a bit selfish? I hope not; it sounds great to me.

I am sitting here at Barnes and Noble enjoying a latte and some quiet time. I spent yesterday in Louisville, Kentucky at an audition for Wheel of Fortune. I should hear something within the next 4-6 weeks on whether or not I will be invited for the final audition. It was an exciting day; very cold and wet, but exciting just the same.

Global Marketing is still my passion and I have been learning a lot about media placement (just hour important that correct placement is). There is a lot more to this business venture than I had originally expected; however, it will be all worth it in the long run. I just know it.

Just a quick post with a lot of odds and ends....must leave you now and have a little me time, remember.......Have a great day and remember to keep smiling. The world would be a much better place if we all smiled a little more......:)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

It's Saturday....I Feel Like Traveling Today

Ha Ha Ha.....

With the way that gas prices are continuing to rise, I guess that I will be traveling with my fingertips rather than in a car. With oil prices at an all time high, our gas prices have sored to $3.69 per gallon on what is usually called the cheap stuff (now it is the only affordable stuff). I do a lot of traveling in my daydreams now and even that isn't cheap anymore. My daydreams just make me yearn to travel that much more.

Some day I would like to take a Mediterranean cruise. I would really like to see how the other half lives and a little pampering would be a great change of pace; wouldn't you agree? I want to become a Fortune 500er that has the world on a string; a top notch highly motivated entrepreneur that inspires others to follow in my footsteps. Why you say, do I want to take on such a great challenge? Well the reason is a simple one; it is because I am living proof that the world can be a better place if we would just quit worrying about everything and enjoy the blessings that life has to offer us. Like I have said many times before; lemons make great lemonade (just add a little sweetness that only you can provide).

Well, until we meet again.....make it a great day and keep smiling. I guarantee that others will smile back at you........ :)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Liquid Sunshine....I have my opinion on it.....

Liquid Sunshine....yes, it's raining again in Kentucky. I guess that I really don't need to complain about it after the drought that we had last year though. It will be good for our gardens and lawns. Maybe too good for our lawns; especially if we have to pay someone else to do our lawn care because we don't own a mower. I have to say that my lawn has never looked better than it does this year.

I hear that the earth is sinking in near Houston, Texas. I hope that all is well. The last report that I heard on the news was that the sink hole (just North east of Houston) was about the size of four football fields and still growing. I hope that anyone living near there is safe from harm and as far away from the sink hole as they can be. Stay safe.

A bit of exciting news to share......I have been selected to tryout for the Wheel of Fortune show. The Wheel Mobile will be in Louisville this weekend and I have been invited to tryout for the show. I am so excited. Who knows, maybe I will be picked as a contestant and be on live television when they tape the actual show in California. Wouldn't that be awesome?

Enough for now. I must get back to the grind and do a little work at the office this afternoon. Friday will not come soon enough this week (we have already had four Mondays and tomorrow is building up already to be another). I cannot wait for the weekend.

Make it a great day and remember to keep smiling.........Lisa

Monday, May 5, 2008

You Never Know What Tips You Will Find Here

Hello Everyone and Good Morning......Lisa Here.......

I am a crafter; I have many hobbies that I like to do in my spare time. I love to crochet, scrapbook, listen to good music (all genres), relax with a glass of fine wine (or a margarita), travel when I get the chance, garden, canned my homegrown goodies, and take care of my two beautiful felines. They are a handful themselves because one of them has been diagnosed with chronic renal failure and needs sub-cue doses of fluids several times a week.

For these reasons, you never know what secrets or tips that I may have to offer you here. So, my advise to you is to visit me often, feel free to leave comments, and leave me your name and email address if you would like more information of any of my postings. I would be more than happy to assist you further, if I am able to.

Well, enough for now. I will do a little research and see what tips I can come up with for tomorrow. If there is anything in particular that you may want information on, please feel free to ask and I will do what I can to comply with your request.

Have a great day and keep smiling; the world will smile right back at you. :)

Friday, May 2, 2008

Have You Ever Had A Feeling That Something Good Was Going To Happen?

I woke up this morning with an incredible feeling of peace and self-assurance that I cannot explain. I just knew that it was going to be a good day and that something good was going to happen to me today. I just hope that it wasn't just something I ate last night. :)

Seriously though; I feel happier than I have in a long time and I feel as if I can take on the world if I have to. I cannot explain this feeling, only to say that it is wonderful and I feel more in control of everything around me this morning.

Who knows, maybe one of my many business opportunities will sky-rocket through the roof today and my name will be discovered? Wouldn't that be great? I have a lot to be thankful for these days and I will be more than happy to accept any more blessings that are sent my way.

I hope that this optimistic motivation will help you to make it a great day and to keep a smile on your face. If life throws you a few lemons today, don't get mad (or upset), just make a little lemonade and offer it to the person (or persons) that tried to upset you. They won't understand why you are reacting the way you are. Keep them guessing and make it a great day.

Until we meet again....keep smiling......Lisa