Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Shortest Distance Between Two Hearts Is A Smile

If you really sit down and think about it, this statement is so true. The shortest distance between two hearts is a smile. This is because a smile is so infectious and contagious. This is one time that I don't mind showing the symptoms of something. It takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile. So, unless you are trying to give your facial muscles a workout (to tone then up), you would be better off smiling.

People are so suspicious out there that many will think that you are up to something if your face is glowing with positive affirmations of happiness. They will be a little skeptical of your intentions at first; however, their skepticism will melt away without even realizing that they have been infected by your smile, your optimism, and more positive outlook on life. After all, isn't it more desirable to be happy than to be miserable?

Are you smiling yet? Or do you think that my cheese has slipped off my cracker on this one? No matter, I live in a continuous state of insanity and confusion; this is what keeps me going and what actually keeps me on track. Figure that one out.

Enough for now. Make it a great day and remember to keep smiling. Infect those around you with your positive mentality and they will later thank you for it. :)


Monday, April 28, 2008

It's Monday Again...Here Goes Another Week....

Mondays are always a little hard on me because I dread going back to work after having two days off. I can't wait until the day when I can set my own hours and work on my own schedule instead of being at the mercy of a time clock and someone else's rules.

I must count my blessings though because the sun is shining and I did open my eyes this morning, take a deep breath, and jump out of bed. That may have been because it is such a "crisp" morning; a little chilly outside right now (44 degrees). :) The rain is not suppose to be here until this afternoon. Maybe it won't be that bad of a day after all.

I haven't received any e-mails from my sister in England so I suspect that she and Bob are having a great time; minus the work hours that he has to put in, of course. I cannot remember when they are due back in the states, but I am sure that we will have a lot of catching up to do then.

This one is short and sweet because I need to get in to work for a mandatory meeting because office hours. Have a great day everyone and remember to keep smiling. They whole world will be a brighter place if we all smiled a little more often. :)


Sunday, April 27, 2008

Oh...What A Beautiful Morning......

The sun is shining, the air is crisp, I am breathing, and my cats are into everything. It is going to be a wonderful day; I can feel it. I hope that today's blog finds everyone else feeling just as content as I am. The only thing that saddens me today is the fact that my sister (and brother-in-law) are in England and I am unable to have my morning chats with my sis. I am so excited for them and love the fact that they have become jet-setters. I guess that I am a little jealous too; only because I am not yet in the financial position to accompany them on these adventures. Soon, though......hopefully, real soon; realistically, maybe a little longer. After all, debt elimination and financial security come first and for most.

My business ventures continue to offer me additional opportunities; some are a even more exciting than others. I am learning quite a bit about marketing, media placement, referral incentives, and receiving rewards for my efforts. This can be a very lucrative business opportunity for any of you that are interested. Check out one of my links above; just remember that the one about the main business is still under construction and is very basic at this point. The others are more exciting and informative.

Enough chatter for now. I am going to check out a couple of my investments and see how they are doing today. Remember to keep smiling and make it a great day......until we meet again, goodbye.......Lisa

Friday, April 25, 2008

Opportunities, Opportunities, Opportunities

Good Morning......
Isn't it a beautiful day. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and I have just gotten two more home business opportunities e-mailed to me. Interesting prospects too. My horoscope told me to prepare for a great day and that I should go with my positive instincts today. Well, I think that I will be taking the "bull by the horns" (that's a Taurus pun) today and going grabbing for that golden ring. I can feel good things happening today.
Even though I am being overwhelmed with potential business opportunities, I am still having a few issues with my business website. I have been using the "" website builder (has anyone else heard of this site?) and I must be doing something wrong. I have made several changes to the initial start up page; however, every time that I upload the page to my server, the changes do not show up on my site. It still shows the initial white background page. Any suggestions? I have created a couple of great backgrounds and templates for my site; just can't get them to upload to it.
Today is going to be a great day so don't sweat the stuff that you cannot control or change and make some lemonade if someone throws you a few lemons. Remember that our "smiles" are infectious; so, keep smiling and the world will more definitely smile back at you. :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

It's a Beautiful Day Today

It is a beautiful Day. The sun is shining and it is about 77 degrees. The breeze is gently blowing through the open windows of my car as I sit under a shade tree eating my lunch. I wish that we could have more days like this. It is always nicer doing my emailing for the business when the surroundings are pleasant and not stormy. I prefer the seclusion of my car or office to the hustle and bustle of most WiFi offering restaurants around here. They are too noisy and my thoughts tend to wander when I have too much noise around me.

I see that one individual has answered my poll question. Thank you for your response. I am sure that many people feel as you do and don't really care who wins; just as long as whomever it is will be able to run the country effectively and get us out of this mess that the present office holders have gotten us into. I am all for change if it means that we can benefit from it. We have suffered the ill effects of poor decision making long enough and I feel that change is something that we all need in order to breath again. November seems like such a long ways away; however, it will be here before we know it. Then it will be time to asked two all important questions, "who are you voting for and what sealed your decision?"

That is my spin on the political arena for today. I hope that I have not offended anyone. We are all entitled to our opinion s and we are also entitled to gripe about politics; that is as long as we stand up and vote when the time comes. Otherwise, we need to keep our opinions to ourselves and the decision-making to those that are willing to stand up and be heard. That is my opinion. Does anyone else have one? Thank you.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Trust is the word of the day.

It is going to be a great day.

Can't you feel it? I have decided to make a little "lemonade" today since life has been throwing me a few lemons lately. There isn't anything that I can't do as long as I give it everything that I got and put my best foot forward. I really believe this and you should too.

I have found that not everything is as it seems and "trust" is something that needs to be earned and not just given away like candy. To many that know me, my handshake and my word are just as legal as any notarized document. I feel that trust is a key element in any relationship, transaction, or event. Lately I have found not a lot of people around me to trust. My chosen few are a close knit group and they really know who they are. Once you have my trust, you will have it for a lifetime; that is, unless you deceive me in any way or discredit yourself in my eyes.

The old expression, "keep your friends close and your enemies even closer," is one that I live by. I want to look into the eyes of my enemies and show them no fear. Pessimism is one trait that I no longer possess. I am an optimist at heart; hence, the lemonade making. :)

Enough about "trust," let's keep positive, keep smiling, make a little lemonade, and make it a great day. I know that I will. Well, until next time, let me bid you a fond farewell and hope that life keeps you happy, healthy and safe from harm...........Lisa

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Widgets anyone?

I know, what is she talking about? I have been working on a couple of slideshow widgets for this site so that I can connect it to my affiliate. I am definitely not a "widget master" by no means. In fact, whenever I think that I have the perfect set of images for my slideshow, I receive an error when I try to download them. Any suggestions?

I am happy to say the the earth has quit moving since Friday's 5.4 earthquake. We did, however, have a second afteshock about 10:30 Friday morning which measured just about the same in intensity. I kind of makes you nervous when things around you are shaking when they shouldn't be. I can't imagine how those of you on the west coast must feel when you feel the earth quiver like that. I have added simpathy for all of you. The national research professionals are telling us that this may not be the last that we hear of these tremers either. They are telling us, locally, that this could only be the beginning of something bigger. After all, we do live over a honeycomb of caves around here. Great, a little shaking and my house will be sitting in a big hole. At least we have earthquake insurance on the house. We purchased it when we built it back in 1999. You never know when it might come in handy, right? Hope it never does though.

Enough about me, how is everyone out there. I haven't read any comments on any of my previous blog sessions yet, so that either means that they haven't been vivisted yet or they aren't worthy of comment. :) Just kidding with you. I am not upset about the lack of responses; just wondering if my messages have been received or not.

I suppose that I need to get back to the business aspect of my life. I will keep working on these widgets until I get them right. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can place a ticker tape on my sites? I would like stocks, weather, and/or up to the minute feeds running continuously. Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks you.

Keep Smiling & Make it a Great Day..........Lisa

Friday, April 18, 2008

Yes, The Earth Did Move This Morning

We were awaken this morning at 4:32 CST by the ground rumbling and the house shaking. A 5.4 earthquake occurred about 41 miles NNW of Evansville, Indiana and was felt as far as 300 miles away. Well, we felt it. It scared our cats so badly that one of them (Tasha) attempted to climb up the inside of the chimney. She literally jumped into the fireplace and tried to climb up and out. Needless to say, she didn't get far though. Thomas had been curled up asleep on the bar stool next to Curtis. Just before the ground shook, Thomas stood up, put his paws on the bar top and began shaking uncontrollably. He was scared to death. The poor guy. Curtis had the front window open, so he thought that it was a semi coming down the road. He actually felt the vibrations of the ground getting closer. The chandeliers shoot and the lights flickered when the rumble finally hit us. We are okay and so far no major damage has been reported in our area. The thing that has me worried though is the fact that we live over an enormous cave system and who knows what this may have done to the the integrity of that. Cross your fingers that we stay above ground here because it wouldn't take much to collapse the honeycomb of caves.

Until we meet again; have a great day and keep smiling.........Lisa

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Good Morning...The Sun is Shining...

Good Morning Everyone.....

The sun is shining and it is supposed to get up to about 72 degrees today. That will be a nice change from the 28 degrees we had the other night. The trees, shrubs, and flowers are blooming (especially the tulips). Sping is in the air and I cannot wait for the warm days of summer to arrive. I am anxiously awaiting the planting season so that I can get my garden going. One of my favorite things to do during the summer months is "canning." I love to turn my hardwork in the garden into something that I can use all winter long. My favorite recipe is one that has been passed down in my husband's family for several generations. It is a recipe for sloppy joe mix and it has gotten rave reviews from anyone that has tried it. Sorry, I was given the receipe by my mother-in-law with explicite instructions that I was not to give it away (just continue to make it) until after she passes on. I have held to that promise for 20 years now and will continue to do so.

I also make my own Kahlua that is out of this world. It tastes a lot better than the store brand (in my opinion). The first time I had it, this liquer was blended with vanilla ice cream in the best shake that I have ever had.

I love to do crafts, crossword puzzles, learn new languages, and do logic puzzles. Have to keep the mind working, you know. I just love the challanges that they offer. Try them sometime.....

Have to go for now....Make it a great day and remeber to keep smiling and others will smile back at you.......Lisa

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

It's Tax Day...Have You Filed?

Well, today is April 15th and we all know what that means; it's tax day. Have you filed or are you a procrastinator that has waited until the last minute to "file" for an extension? Well, this is one headache that I took care of a while ago so I don't have to stress over it.

Enough about taxes. Did anyone read yesterday's blog about my home business opportunity? If you read it and it peaked your curiosity, I have a couple of websites for you to check out. They are on my home page and I believe that they are worth a peak at by those of you that are curious. I am sure that the trip will be worth it. The site entitled Lisa's Home Business is still under construction so please bypass that link for the time being and I will let you know when it is fully up and running. Thank you.

My WebCashStore will put you in contact with eBay and, if you are interested in making any purchases too. You will also find a 1-800 number with my extension if you prefer to talk to a real person instead of working online. Good Luck in your ventures.

Have I turned into a pushy salesperson yet? I hope that I have not turned any of you off by sending sales pitches instead of a lot of personal chat. One of the reasons that I have opened this blog is to generate business through networking my products, services, and opportunities in home business for those of you that are tired of the 9-5 jobs that give you a lot of headaches and not much in the way of satisfaction or security. Have I hit a nerve? I am sure that I have because I have had that same raw nerve hit in me and it can really hurt. Experience has taught me that.

I guess that I have bent you ears enough for today and I have given you more than enough information to digest at one sitting. So, I will leave you with this quote from Confucius, "The Longest Journey Begins With The First Step." I agree and that is why I say, "Don't Be Afraid To Take It."

Keep Smiling and Make it a Great Day...........Lisa :)

Monday, April 14, 2008

Make Today A Great Day

Well, this is my first attempt at blogging and I am sure that I will make a few mistakes, so please bare with me until I get the hang of it. I have decided to start blogging for a couple of reasons; the first of which is to keep in touch with family and friends and the second, of which, is to network with as many contacts as possible in order to launch my home business venture.

I am so excited about the opportuntiy that I have been given to become debt free and no longer have to worry about the telephone ringing. Dave Ramsey was a great inspiration to me when I decided to take this major step. He has written a book called "Financial Freedom" that I believe is a must read for anyone that is even considering this step. Dave is a great motivator that takes youby the hand and walks you through the path to financial freedom. I have not only read his book (one of many that he suggests), I also listen to his radio talk show.

I would like to tell all of you about my great business opportunity that is only limited by the limitations that you place upon yourself. Yes, I can hear you saying that it sounds too good to be true and therefore it won't work. Well, I was skeptical at first, too. All I can say is "believe in yourself and your abilities" and you will make this work for you.

Wouldn't you like to be able to spend more time with your family and less time stressing over "why you can't?" I know that I felt that way a lot until this opportunity presented itself to me. I stressed over every penny that came into and went out of my pocket. Now that is a lot of stress for one person to handle and may I say that there were times when I did not handle it well. I became a very angry and bitter person that wasn't pleasent to be around. As a matter of fact, I didn't really care for myself that much either.

Well, all of that is changing for me (one day at a time). I am taking baby steps in the right direction and positive motivation is coming with every step that I take. Yes, I have stumbled a few times and I am sure that I will continue to stumble periodically. However, each stumble just makes me stronger and motivates me to push myself that much more. I won't lie to you able one thing here; there is money involved to get started. After all, it takes money to make money, right? You won't be sorry about this investment though; believe me, I'm not.

As I said earlier in this blog, believe in yourself and the rest will happen. I really do believe and so can you. Well, how did I do at my first attempt at blogging? Was it okay or way I a little over the top and aggressive? I hope that the later is not true. Make it a great and and remember; believe in yourself and your abilities because I believe in you. :) More about me and the business later.
