Thursday, October 23, 2008

If you are going to do anything, do it well or don't do it.

My blog site's quote of the day hits the nail right on the head. Lord Chesterfield states, "Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well." What a philosophy; wouldn't you agree? I couldn't imagine wasting my time attempting to accomplish anything if I weren't going to give it my best effort.

I went to a weekly briefing regarding my business on Tuesday evening. After listening to the spering for about an hour, all I can say is "why?" Specifically, "why not?" With Identity Theft on the rise (if you don't believe me, just check the papers, nightly news, and business magazines) at an alarming rate, I don't understand why anyone would take a chance and not be protected from this crime? I work with Kroll and they are the #1 company dealing with identity theft restoration (in all five forms of identity theft). Yes there is more than financial identity theft; you can also have your social security, your medical, your driver's license, and your character ID stolen. Kroll has been in business for over 30 years and is edified by our government and anyone that has doen business with them. I, for one, am proud to say that I work with them to ensure that even the average individual is safe from this crime.

Don't you feel like "Life" gets in the way sometimes? What I mean is, just when we think that we are sailing on smooth waters, we get thrown a curve ball and have to make decisions that we do niot feel comfortable doing (without the help of an attorney). Haven't we all been in that situation at one time or another? I know that I have; anytime that I have signed a contract for any form of legal document. Have you ever signed for a loan, a car, a lease on an apartment, or even a contract for your cell phone? Wouldn't it be nice to know that you could pick up the phone and call an attorney 24/7 on an unlimited amount of matters? The beauty of this is that "you can" and "it's affordable" too. Less than the price of a cup of coffee a day can protect you and your family from everyday "life events" that can and do occur.

Call me, I can help protect both you and your family because I care about your future and that of your family. Can you afford not to be protected? I know that I can't because it is not a matter of "if" you will need legal representation, it is "when." As of 2005, 37 million Americans sought medical care while 100 million were caught up in court cases. Doesn't that sound frightening to you? It does to me.

Think about it and I would be happy to explain it to you further should you so desire.

Have a great day and stay safe. Keep smiling and the world will smile back at you.


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