Friday, April 18, 2008

Yes, The Earth Did Move This Morning

We were awaken this morning at 4:32 CST by the ground rumbling and the house shaking. A 5.4 earthquake occurred about 41 miles NNW of Evansville, Indiana and was felt as far as 300 miles away. Well, we felt it. It scared our cats so badly that one of them (Tasha) attempted to climb up the inside of the chimney. She literally jumped into the fireplace and tried to climb up and out. Needless to say, she didn't get far though. Thomas had been curled up asleep on the bar stool next to Curtis. Just before the ground shook, Thomas stood up, put his paws on the bar top and began shaking uncontrollably. He was scared to death. The poor guy. Curtis had the front window open, so he thought that it was a semi coming down the road. He actually felt the vibrations of the ground getting closer. The chandeliers shoot and the lights flickered when the rumble finally hit us. We are okay and so far no major damage has been reported in our area. The thing that has me worried though is the fact that we live over an enormous cave system and who knows what this may have done to the the integrity of that. Cross your fingers that we stay above ground here because it wouldn't take much to collapse the honeycomb of caves.

Until we meet again; have a great day and keep smiling.........Lisa

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